what to do when a girl stays home from school sick and you can't go to the gym, so you desperately try to do yoga while the kids watch a show?? feed them chocolate covered sunflower seeds from trader joe's.

lastly, make cookies (okay, this was after BOTH kids were in bed, for my girls' night tonight...)
so, nora just wasn't herself this morning. her eyes looked sick. any moms know what i mean? she said she felt fine, but she was whiny and just lethargic. so, i told her she was staying home from school. she begged to be allowed to go.
fast forward to my lotus position with a 25 pound boy on my back saying, "bounce, bounce". fun times. or, trying to balance on one foot with two kids playing chase around that leg. good times! i got through it!
and then we went to swimming lessons. i figured nora could just sit on the bleachers, and a friend from church is sometimes there watching her son, so if anything happened, she was there. nora fell asleep on the bleachers. i felt so bad waking her up, but so justified in keeping her home today.
and when we got home, she begged for a nap. so, both kids napped for 3 1/2 hours. i think nora would still be napping, but i made her get up and come downstairs (lest you think i am horrible, i bribed her with a show...). three and a half hours! i cleaned and organized my sewing room (i do that a lot, huh??). i UNPACKED my LAST box! (i know, we've only been here over THREE months!) i tailored my favorite shorts so they fit again. i tailored a shirt for mom. i worked on a few more projects... i made cookies. i cleaned the downstairs. i did laundry. i organized the toy box downstairs. i watched tv. it was HEAVEN!! i could get used to that...
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