24 January 2011


i am not feeling super creative with my blog titles this week. it's monday. and RIDICULOUSLY cold. in fact, i considered not even leaving the house today. but, the gym called, as did a playdate and then picking up daddy from work. i set jamey down to walk at one point, and he slid on the ice and just stopped. and cried, "hold you". he's not a fan. after removing his mittens FOUR times this morning, i gave up. he was screaming by the time we got inside the gym about his freezing hands. i didn't feel back. i just said, loudly so everyone could hear, "it's not my fault you took off your mittens FOUR times!". (so they didn't think i was a bad mother!)

nora even let me put on jeans and her uggs today! i was so proud. and she looked so cute! she got all bundled up by herself, proudly showing me how her preschool teacher taught her to do certain things! (since i forget that we live where it's cold and i should teach my daughter how to do it!) she took an hour nap on my lap this afternoon... so precious! she was sitting there while i made one phone call, then we were going to play. before i knew it, she was gone!

tonight, i went through my summer clothes. i keep thinking that i have none. however, i have more than i know what to do with! (or at least more than i thought!!) all these clothes that haven't fit since before i got married, fit again!! and i have a big "donate" pile! (all the ones that are too big now....) i am quite excited about "finding" this "new" wardrobe!

i also learned how to do google reader to follow blogs today. my life feels so much more organized! i have a wonderful friend who taught me to do this while our kids played! her son told nora that she was his best friend! so sweet! (they have known each other less than a month!)

that's all i can think of tonight. sorry for the lack of pics. tomorrow, i promise!

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