23 January 2011

sick day is over!!

from yesterday... when nora napped in my sewing room so she could be close to me!

jamey at dinner... everything he could manage to get in his arms!

out to lunch the other day, trying to balance a spoon on her nose. one of her parents had shown her how to do this!

oh wait... is something wrong?

a view from the end of our street... less than a mile away... LOVE THIS PLACE!

this morning... nora woke up about 4am with her fever gone. thankfully she was back to herself today! we stayed in just to make sure. but, we're gearing up for a big week!!

david was watching a basketball game the other night and nora chimed in... "go browns!" at least she knows what to cheer!!! the games of today are on, and unprompted, nora just said, "steelers are bad". well, yup, they are!