31 May 2012

play time...

nora tying up "flynn rider".  she pretended to hit him with a frying pan.  made him walk, since she "couldn't carry him", but then had him sit with his eyes closed...

so, he waited for her to tell him what the next line was.  then she would say her line.  and tell him his again.  and on it went...

i am overwhelmed this week.  in the best way possible.  a friend asked me on monday how i was "REALLY" doing.  i have been REALLY good.  

my house stayed pretty clean today!  even despite five children playing in it all day!  we had a great playdate with some new friends.  then went to dinner with another new friend.  

and have had several offers to watch my babies.  such a blessing.  

new friends have sent david emails and packages.  and that means so much to me!

30 May 2012

what i wore wednesday...

a baby on my hip!  he wasn't happy while i was trying to get ready.

by the way, the top is free people from nordy rack...
his is gap

a beautiful bracelet made by auntie rebecca...

eighties night for bunco.  side ponytail.  
blue mac eyeshadow!

church on sunday.  
top from nordstrom b.p.
skirt from eddie rodriguez.  (it was a great store that went out of business in 2005.)
tanks by old navy.  they were $4 each!  LOVE them....

more tanks by old navy
jeans were a hand-me-down.
headband from nordstrom b.p.

phone cover from h & m
dinosaur stickers added by jamey.
necklace from funky vintage lovey.    
i LOVE this necklace.  i wear it daily.  it makes me think of david all the time!!!

what i didn't wear... but i organized my closet today!!!  doesn't it look wonderful!  

today was cleaning day at our house.  it was awesome.  the kids played SO SWEETLY together.  christopher napped so well, and also rediscovered a love for his swing!  

my house is so nice and clean.  i am relishing it.  i will post a video tomorrow of how cute my kids were.  they thought i was resting for a second, and kept on playing.  and i caught it on video.  

tonight, i met david's replacement on his ship.  he and his wife came over for dinner.  they happened to get here right about bedtime.  i had prepped the kids.  they could say hi, then go to bed.  so, they went upstairs, and played and fell asleep.  it was great!  and i am excited for david and the new friend on his ship!  

linking up with lindsey for wiww...

28 May 2012


little boy... sitting up so big!  

saying "cheese"

all three kids playing... 

my sweet boy!
hugging daddy while we got mochi.

have i mentioned that jamey likes to go to the "swamp meet".  or wear "sunscream".  

we had to say goodbye to auntie sarah today.  it was so fun to have her here.  she and i went out to dinner last night and had a blast!!

we hit up another beach.  it was WINDY!!  we are all finding sand in all sorts of places!!  but it was fun.  we went with some friends from church.  so many times this weekend, i felt so loved and supported by our church.  

27 May 2012

i am in love...

with this man... 

and how much he loves his keikis...

and how passionate he is about is job (here he is giving a tour of his ship!)

how he never hesitates to get down and dirty with the kids... yes, he is fully laying in the sand!  

how handsome he is.  anytime, but especially in uniform!

how much he enjoys our children.  playing with them, hunting for sea life with them.  entertaining them.  our life is empty without him!

how he is my absolute rock.  and cheerleader.  and best friend.

the father of all three of my children.  and such a great baby catcher!!!

my love.  i am in love with him.  as i write this, it's still his birthday for me.  his birthday passed 9 hours ago for him.  he celebrated by sleeping all night!!  and getting up for watch at 2am today.  he served his country, without complaint, on his birthday.  and this memorial day weekend.  

i cannot imagine a better husband, father, friend, hero.  i am so thankful for him.  i love hearing my kids pray for him (they pray for no rough days, and lots of sleep!).  i love hearing them talk about him.  i am even okay being told that i don't do it as good as daddy.  because i don't.  and i would NEVER want to take his place for them.  i am so glad that they love him, talk about him, and pretend to be him in play.  

david.  thank you for what you do.  thank you for loving me.  and for making my life so much fun!  happy birthday!  now, come home so we can celebrate!!!!

25 May 2012


look to the right... see the hawaiian monk seal?  they are endangered.  kinda cool to see one!!  (don't worry, that was as close as nora got!!)

the kids, playing...

they found a set of grandparents and attached themselves to them.  enjoyed the sand castle, the kids...

loved watching the seal just roll around!!!

hanging with sarah...

sweet boy, swimming.  he's getting quite daring in the ocean!

and she... a fish!!!

playing at the park today...  the sand park!  quite excited.

i missed THREE phone calls from the man yesterday.  i was so sad!  wonderfully, he called this morning. auntie sarah was playing with the kids, and i got a whole 22 minutes of time to talk!  it was glorious!  glorious!  


blowing in the wind...  enjoying the "tornado" in our house!

he loved this...

almost made the water in the living room worth it.  almost.  

feeding the baby his bottle!

such a sweet big sister.  

my handsome man!

loving him.  

that face....

still so sweet!!!

his hands...

his feet...  i was having fun with my camera.

on friday night, i noticed that the carpet by our laundry room was wet.  i had thrown down some laundry, and figured it was wet.  saturday morning, it was saturated.  i started searching.  the laundry room wasn't wet.  but, the bathroom floor ABOVE that spot was.  but no water on the ceiling or walls.  

i called, and after MUCH teeth pulling and begging and pleading, they came out to look at it.  but sent the ac guy.  cause they thought it was associated with the ac.  not the toilet directly above it.  but the ac that isn't even remotely close to it.  so, more teeth pulling ensued, and i got a plumber out.  a part replaced, and 15 minutes later we were in business!  thanks to a blower, my carpet was dry again... and life was good.

after school let out on tuesday, jamey was running around the house.  he collapsed on sarah and said, "i need a summer break".  

we are also struggling with sassiness in our house.  i am working on it.  i think it's getting better.  

23 May 2012

hump day...

sweet baby boy in the bath!

enjoying a donut.  

love those blue eyes.  that are staying blue!!

they wanted a picture.  seriously.  contrary to how it may look, we were enjoying "ghetto" tacos.  i may copyright that.  left over ground beef, warmed up with cumin, with cheese on top, eaten with chips.  (cause the taco shells always break anyway!!)

my three babies!  a picture for daddy...

daddy's sister, auntie sarah came to visit this week.  we have been having a blast, going to beaches, the "swamp" meet, and introducing her to boot camp!  (not sure if she is thankful for that last one or not!!)

i got a surprise phone call the other day.  david was in port, but i knew he was on duty and busy.  i was getting ready to go to bed, and checked my email.  i got an email from david.  it was a nice, long one!  as i started reading it, the phone rang.  a special ringtone, with a cute picture on the phone.  

it was the best phone call because it was totally unexpected!  he was busy, and just thinking about me.  he realized i would still be up, and called.  a few times, i was told to "standby", as he dealt with work issues. but i loved being linked to him, even wirelessly, as he took care of that.  i still felt connected.  AND, the kids were in bed, so there were no distractions!

i usually get less than ten minutes on the phone, once a week.  and when the kids are up, it's when they decide to try to kill each other.  and need a responsible adult to intervene.  and then they melt down.  and i am usually in the middle of making dinner, or feeding a baby.  and i will take those calls whenever i can get them, too, because i am DESPERATE to hear his voice!  but, it was nice to be uninterrupted!!!

22 May 2012


sorry for the face... i originally sent this to david...

shirt: free people (from my ma!  sweet surprise in the mail!)
jeans: (old navy on clearance!)
shoes: (gap on clearance...  $4.95)
going to a baby shower!!!

dress: (anthro on clearance...)
going to church...

i guess i "wore" this...  i mean, i ate it!  a cheesy quinoa bite!

sweet baby wearing jammies and playing "football"!

yummy oatmeal bites!  
i used steel cut oats and they were GREAT!  even nora loved them...

nora in her michael kors shorts (they are sailor shorts... so stinking cute!) and her lobster shirt from gymboree!!

the other day, the kids were playing with their lego cars.  they had them lined up for a meeting.  i asked what the meeting was.  nora told me it was Bible study.  then, jamey had mater (with his "shooter" on the back) and mater came up at shot the Bible study.  (mater routinely shoots anything he can!!  it's a fun little toy...)

it was a good intro to telling them about our freedoms here.  that we can go to Bible study, and worship whom or whatever we choose without (relative) persecution.  we won't go to jail.  we won't be shot.  what a blessing!  it might have been a little deep for them, but i thought it was important to talk about!  and a perfect segue.  

we have also been talking about "spirits".  (like, the spirit that is in my body, or how penguins don't have spirits...)  it's a hard concept to describe to a 4 year old.  anyone have good ideas?  but, she's been asking some cool questions...

i took jamey on his "mommy date" today.  we had fun.  he asked to go to target.  we had fun!  although as we walked past the underwear section...  he said, "look mommy, boobies"!  sweet...  and so it begins! 

it was the last day of school.  sad.  sad that my kids are so big.  sad that school is done!  it was fun to watch them.  we celebrated this afternoon!!!