09 May 2012


i can't get my pictures to post wirelessly... and i am too lazy to walk to the car or upstairs to get my cord.  not lazy.  tired.  i don't want to move.  but, my house is clean!  and laundry done (just not folded or put away).

i have been trying really hard to have everything done before the kids go to bed (tonight i did minor picking up after, but we were gone for most of the day...).  then, i can do what i want after they go to bed.  which is usually sit on the couch with my computer on my lap.

tonight it consisted of sending out a quote for a sewing project.  getting pics of my fabrics, doing combos that work, pricing it out, stressing out that it's too high a price... realizing it's actually really fair.  feeling guilty.  realizing i shouldn't have to justify it.  loving looking at the fabrics i have!

we had dinner at a friend's house tonight.  it was so wonderful.  and i was so waited on.  she has a baby boy, but my three were demanding.  more ketchup.  feed me.  hold me.  more steak.  more fries.  more green peppers (they were great eaters, with pretty good manners, tonight!).  she noticed when my water was empty, and refilled it.  it was a nice night!

i was just commenting to a friend that i love to host and entertain.  but one of the things i am really bad at is offering drinks when people come to my house.  david is SO GOOD at that.  i don't know why that escapes me.  it always has!

that was random.  but such is my stream of consciousness right now!

i am really enjoying bootcamp.  the downside...  i am not used to having something every day.  which means i have to be up and out the door.  and since we are out, we have been planning things after.  so i just feel busy!  it's a good busy.  but busy.  we went to the gym almost every day in rhode island.  that was our routine.  but it's been almost a year since that was our routine.  (i guess a year exactly!)  so, it's weird setting a new routine in an old place.  (in ri, we started that routine when we got there...)  i am so not complaining!  i have been waiting to start.  (it's the best priced workout with childcare i can find... and it's so good!)

but, i am off to bed early since the littles like to wake up early and i am tired!  (also the one still wakes up once or twice a night.  and routinely someone else crawls into my bed.  they are in the same room tonight, so hopefully that will help!  we have some serious missing of daddy going on!!  and mommy issues... fear that i'll leave, etc.  it's making it hard for me to do anything by myself.  even dropping off at school!  this too shall pass!!)

so, there you go.  that's my life right now.  thankful for my kids.  thankful for my friends.  sad that i am making new friends who are leaving this month.  excited to get two new sets of neighbors this summer.  randomness....

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