06 January 2011

she's gonna hate me...

tonight, i was singing nora a song for bed. she passed gas, and said, totally straight faced, no joking, serious, "mommy, my pull-up is singing, too". i laughed. and laughed. and am laughing again just thinking about it! she's gonna hate me someday.

i have two sewing projects going... i can't wait to show them off!! one of them is shorts. i tried shorts earlier this summer, and they were a MISERABLE. ATTEMPT... i was so depressed about them. (although they way they turned out also gave me a great laugh!!) so, tonight, i mastered shorts. it could be the $0.33 pattern i found at this quaint little sewing shop on the island and the 80 year old man who sold it to me, with pieces missing and all! but, i was ecstatic! i asked david if he understood (now, mind you, he is always praising my sewing and excited about whatever project i am working on). he said no. i tried another tactic... "say you have been playing a video game and there is this level that keeps demolishing you. you just can't beat it, no matter how you try. then, you finally beat it. that's how i feel!" the light went on and he got really excited!! (this conversation while the latest episode of "the big bang theory" was on pause on the dvr... )

fun times in the haile household!

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