07 January 2011

two kiddos...

my jamey boy. he is so snuggly. is this all boys? i don't remember nora being THIS snuggly! when i put him down for a nap, he always wants "one more time". or "rock". (one more time being another song, or sing it again) he loves "one fish, two fish". or better known as "fish". he loves veggie tales and cars. he hates his spiky hair. i think it's more the gel that he hates. he loves "times" (clementines). if you don't pay attention fast enough, he will GET your attention. most often, it's to give me a kiss. it's so sweet! he loves to do anything nora does. his most used phrase is "i too". it could be "i had fun at the .... too". or "i want ... she has too". he LOVES his mommy. if i leave for 5 seconds or 5 hours, he comes RUNNING and yelling "MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY". not sad, but so overjoyed to see me. even if i was just in the other room. he doesn't cry anymore going into nursery, etc. it's WONDERFUL! so much more guilt free leaving him! he loves the lady who takes care of him during Bible study. he can't wait to see her. (although, for several weeks, he was hitting and i was repeatedly reprimanding him, so now he says "sandy, hit". thankfully, he's not hitting her anymore!) he also loves to tell you the fun he's had. we leave somewhere (the gym, the doctor, a playdate) and he says "fun"...

nora. she loves all things princesses. and being a mommy. she LOVES to mother her brother. it's mostly sweet!!! mostly she tries to help him or solve problems for him. today, she came to get me when he locked himself in the bathroom at a friend's house! she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES school. she loves princess dresses and hates to have her hair brushed. or blow dried. she understands so much, as does her brother. she understands where we live, and where we are moving next. she's so much fun to watch.

i don't think i've done an update like that recently. it's as much for me as for you! i know, two "no picture" posts in a row.... i'll work on that!! as for me... still turning into a sewing machine! i am almost done with a dress for me! (time to get cracking on projects NOT for me!) i saw a dress in a store, on clearance was still about $100. it was so cute!! this dress, including $16 for the pattern, cost me about $40 to make. and some of it was scraps of fabric i had left over!

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