27 January 2011

He loves me better...

so, not two minutes after i posted, i got a phone call... from a dear cousin that my flight had been cancelled. it was as i was checking the flight status. the flight was moved to saturday morning.

back up to this morning, i laid in bed, did my quiet time and prayed that i would submit to God's plans and that i would seek His ways... then, got up, still before the kids!! and david looked at me and called me his logistical genius. i was packed. the kids were packed. the house was clean.

even before that, i had read a blog that kept playing over in my mind.

so, i started, again, a long morning. i sat on hold with the airline for 30 minutes, all the while, letting the realtor in (to get the key- they are showing the house this weekend), loaded the kids in the car, and started my drive to meet grammie. i found out they could get us out of boston, to houston, to florida. tomorrow. for some reason, i didn't take it. meanwhile, there were a hundred things happening. mom calling trying to get different flights, missing those opportunities, calling someone, anyone by a computer to book me new flights (thanks em, chels and dd for your help!!), but still not feeling good about that. just feeling unsettled. finally, i said i wouldn't make any decisions until i talked to david. meanwhile, the airline stopped taking any phone calls...

just as i was about to pick up david, i got through to the airline, and they can get us out tomorrow!!! (a miracle) my kids are healthy (another miracle!). and i picked up david and we went out to lunch in newport. and had an AMAZING lunch. and walked around for a few minutes, enjoying the sun, the water and the slush... (i switched to my rain boots!!) it was a wonderful afternoon. off to get a haircut, then the gym, then a date with friends! today worked out so well... and i am thankful that i waiting on God's timing, not my own!!

(ps... can you see the giddy glee on my face??? WONDERFUL!)

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