today, i asked nora what she wanted to do. she told me she wanted to go to the museum. i asked if she meant the children's or the fishy one. she said children's. and, fortuitously, daddy was getting home early. so, i said we would ask....
fastforward to picking up daddy. he asked nora how her day was, and she told him she wanted to go to the museum. he looked at me and said he had been about to ask the same thing! so, they went on a date. they stopped for lunch, and are enjoying a day at the museum. i just keep getting picture updates.
i have made tomato basil soup, showered, cut out three new projects and put my boy to bed! he got to watch the veggie tales he has been begging for, and we had lunch together, rocked and read stories.
1 comment:
What an AMAZING Dad! Nora is so lucky!
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