27 January 2011

some like it hot...

phew... my kids are feeling better! they woke up today different kids! it's been a crazy few days. this weekend is our "househunting" leave. but, it's not practical to go to hawaii for less than 96 hours. (i mean, it's 24 hours JUST in flight time...) so....

the weather is 40 below and the forecast is snow in ohio
and in milwaukee they're freezing their tails
i can tell you it's just heck when it hails in milwaukee
but we're giving winter that old double whammy
at 8:10 am... MIAMI (not really, but florida!)...
(it's from "some like it hot" the musical- my mom used to sing this every year the week leading up to our florida vacay. it gives me such a smile on my face!!)

so, yesterday, we went to the doctor and found out that nora didn't have strep or an ear infection or pneumonia. probably something viral. no explanation for her fever coming back, even higher. but, ruled out some stuff. also he did a urinalysis to check (after the strep was neg.). so, she might have a uti, but different from everything else going on. she and jamey were miserable all afternoon... nora took a 6+ hour nap and woke up at 7pm for a few hours. david's class was delayed this morning due to the weather, and we all slept in! my kids woke up feeling better! so, off we go... they are singing, "to grandmother's house we go!!" (and couldn't be MORE excited... yesterday when nora was feeling so sick, i kept asking if she was going to be okay without mommy. that would bring fits of tears and "no... i WANT to go to grammie's. i WANT you to go!"... nothing reassures a mommy's heart more! i am so glad they get to have a fun weekend!)

so, no pics... i was cleaning and packing and caring for sick babies!

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