all bundled up... a hodgepodge of snow clothes! jamey's 3t (from bray) nike pants, her crocs boots that someone thought i was crazy for ordering, her coat/hat/mittens that are two years old (bought big since we only needed them for 2 weeks each year...). and the carrot. for the snowman.

the carrot concept was lost on nora... she told me we could get another one, and it would be a snowGIRL. hey, at least she's eating a carrot. by choice.

daddy's hodgepodge winter apparel. underneath, he had coveralls. and his work boots. and my snowboarding gloves. we have to find his stuff for him!

you can't tell, but it's her snow angel!
making snow angels with daddy! what an incredible husband i have! i would have been done after 30 seconds! he played and played with her! i am so in love with him!!

having hot chocolate, a protein shake and chapstick after her outdoor adventure!!!
the making of the snow girl. and snow angels!
the making of the snow girl. and snow angels!
as you can tell, we had ABOUT 3 inches. maybe less. and some of that was from yesterday. and we got hit hardest on the island. north got even less snow than we did! at church, everyone was all talking about the snow, and the pastor even said "thanks for braving the snow and making it here". seriously people??? this was NOTHING. and i am not even from here!!!
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