but, james enjoys tackling the life-sized doll!

so sad... saying goodbye. saying goodbye is big in my family. they stand and wave. and wave. and wave. and if you forget to wave back, woe to you! i love it. and hate leaving...

saying "cheese"... at the swansons' house. he looked so big and was so proud of himself in the high stool!
today was jamey's first swimming lesson! we had so much fun. we had fun mostly just being together and doing something, just us. he did a great job, until they gave him a rubber ducky to play with, then took it away after a few minutes to move onto the next activity. then, he was sad and only wanted the ducky. in fact, if you ask about swimming lessons, he will say "ducky". but, fun!!
nora went back to school, and couldn't have been happier. and, auntie sarah and "jammie" are here for a visit! so much fun...
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