another new frame. and i wish i could remember where i got the printable. i know it was from pinterest...

16 new martha stewart ornaments. in the coolest white.

not necessarily intended as an outfit. the shirt is 18 m and the shorts 3t. the shorts are "children's place"

10 new books. including "the real mother goose". "the bunnicula collection" ("bunnicula" was a favorite growing up. i made friends in florida on spring break when i was little with the author's niece. her grandma and my grandma always had places at the same place, and we would be there at the same time each year. and she lived sorta near my grandma, so we would occasionally visit... wonder where she is now!), several "junie b. jones" books. some disney books. "charlotte's web".
so, i have REALLY been wanting to do some printables. you know, something cute for each season. something simple that i can just trade out with minimal effort. but that required more frames. and then, as i was doing Bible study the other day, i was really challenged and convicted by prov 31, and i knew i wanted it in my house.
HOWEVER, i have spent a lot of money on food, wine, etc this week. and want to be conscientious of spending money. so, spending more money on house decorations seemed like a bad idea. until i decided to check at savers...
for $29.90, i got all that i listed above. since it was military wednesday, i got an extra 25% off of my entire purchase. and one of the frames was 50% off. so i saved $13.09 by being military. not that $45 would have been bad for that lot. but a new frame is EASILY $30... so there you go. i got two frames and a TON of other stuff... and will go back to get more frames, that i will paint, etc....
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