recovering the chairs that i have been wanting to recover since i got them SEVEN years ago!! and i love how they look... using my fabric scraps!!!
their daddy loves to play "runaway choo choo" with them. they climb on his back, he pretends he's a train, and he runs away. they have to catch him. (i think....) they wanted to play it today. although, nora realized that the slightly less than 10 pound difference in the two of them made it difficult for her to be the choo choo!! but, they had fun!
and since i wasn't feeling great today, i napped for a few minutes on the couch while they played SO PEACEFULLY AND WONDERFULLY next to me. they played "race" with their cars, sharing nicely. (i kept wondering where MY kids went!) then, they played "catch the cockroach"!! fun times.
last week, i told nora i didn't feel good. she told me she would take care of me. and then, she and her brother got into a fight. (her fault, her doing) i sent her upstairs and told her i would come up to talk to her. when i got up there, she told me she had already asked God for forgiveness. so sweet. as my mom pointed out, it's so fun to see how God can work in even the smallest of hearts.
i was catching up on my Bible study last night, and one of the things she talked about was how God should fill all our needs. no person is able to "complete" us. and it will cause meanness, tension, control, etc. it struck me how true that really is. i was just thinking, after this week, when it sets in that half of me is gone. when i don't feel quite so "missing". or lost. (in good ways. i am so thankful for a man i love so much, who is so good to me, who i can miss so tremendously!!) we have also been busier this week, so it has gotten better. (and yes, i DO know i am a whole person without him!!)
but it really struck me that when we first got married, i expected him, consciously or not, to meet all my needs. to entertain me. to make me happy all the time. to do whatever i wanted, when i wanted. that's NOT AT ALL realistic! and unfair. and it tied in so well to last night, being reminded that God is who fills me, who meets my needs. when i am lonely, i can turn to HIM. and it really helps. when i think of david, i have been praying for him. for sleep... integrity... sleep... if i know what they are doing, for whatever is going on that day. and it makes it feel like i am a part of that.
and i have also realized (duh!!) that serving him makes life so much more fun. i was telling someone recently that i feel like this is the best part of our marriage so far. and that i felt guilty for saying that. that i wasn't sure i wanted to put it on the blog. as someone a little older and a lot wiser, she made the great point that it SHOULD only be getting better!!! (so true. i wouldn't want it to get worse!!) i have been having so much fun with him. and he's been working more than at any time i can remember. we are busier. we are more distracted. and i think all of those make us more intentional about the time we DO spend together. and how we treat each other.
let me be honest. when i say it's the best it's been, i know it's 99% because of me and my attitude. how i act, react, etc. that i am seeking to serve my husband. that instead of being so mad that he is home so late, my heart breaks because he missed that time with his kids. and i know that devastates him. (and let me also say, this is NOT to pat my back, but to give God the glory for what He's doing in my life!!!)
i know i say it a lot. i am so in love with the man i married. i am so thankful for him. and i love what he does. i love that my children are so proud of him. that they know he's a hero. (as each dad should be!!!) that he loves them like crazy and would rather be on the floor playing runaway choo choo with them that doing most other things. that he dates me. and picks out jewelry for me (not because of the jewelry, but because he thinks of me!). that he seeks to serve me. and that he knows me. so wonderfully well. and STILL wants to stay married to me! i am a lucky, blessed girl!
phew... not the direction i planned for this post to go. but it is always fun to go back and read. and be reminded of! (mom, i wrote it down, so you can remind me when he's gone that i need to turn to God!!!!)
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