05 April 2011

playing today...

i took james to the children's museum today... just him and me. it was SO. MUCH. FUN.! he was an angel... (except when i had to go move the car because my meter was expired and i had no more change and found a spot in the parking lot.... he SCREAMED the whole time, thinking i was taking him away after only 20 minutes... )

he's getting so big... and so obedient. he held my hand when asked (which works so much better when i only have one kid to keep track of. then, i can have patience with him and not just rush and pick him up...) he got a special treat on the way home for his obedient.

he, however, is not napping! he is in his crib, playing. currently, calling out "mommy, shoes ONNNNNNN!", trying to tell me he doesn't have his "special" shoes on for nap (which he never does for nap... just at night! at least he is attentive to the fact that he needs them!).

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