
wearing his daddy's cover...
pushing her "kiddos" on the swing
i love this man!
and my darling mother!!!

nothing beats that smile!!!

mom-mom and her babies!
and again... breakfast!

snuggling nora, getting ready to leave!
playing the recorder at grammie's
he said, "jamey chose (close) eyes"... and tried to eat his snack with his eyes closed!

my big boy at the park!
all the kids getting ready for the easter egg hunt! sadly, the rain did not hold off...

but that didn't stop the kids!

i love how excited they all were!!
all the kids.... i am so thankful for our friends!
and for the moms!!!
love these girls!
pretending to be woody!

first real easter baskets!
showing them off...


more hunting for eggs...

she manages to find princess dresses wherever we go!
very intent on his mission...

new friends... hopefully they get another chance to play when the kids are at grammie's for a week while we move out!

still LOVE that smile!!
nora loved auntie sarah's boyfriend... and all of auntie sarah's college friends. thankfully, i think they loved her right back!

family photo...

silly hat day at school... and since mom forgot to bring the easter hat to easter... why not wear it?

it was also teddy bear day... nora signing in to school...
nora and her AWESOME teacher!

jamey and his gluten free "donut"-muffin from this cool little gluten free bakery we found! i am loving mornings with just him!

we went to a playdate at a friend's house. it was THE. COOLEST. HOUSE.! and jamey loved this HUGE mirror! so much fun to hang out and visit....

and walk across the street to the park. i might have been a bit ambitious in shorts and flippys, but hey...

just chilling... nora went to a friends', and didn't get home until dinner time. (and she was WIPED out! fell asleep, woke her up, brought her to the table, where she fell asleep again, and BONKED her nose!)

what my kitchen counter looks like... all the food to get rid of this week. i think we'll do pretty well...
reading at easter...
so, i am feeling pretty well organized. tomorrow, i will pack. (this might involve buying another suitcase first. why do i feel like we let someone borrow one, and know i can't remember who??) it's really happening... the packers come on friday. phew... i feel like i have been saying that a lot recently! but, i am feeling less anxious!
AND... i ran a sub-10 minute mile today! can't tell you the last time i did that!! david came home in the middle of the day, and i got to sneak out for a run. i have been doing that a lot more recently, and it's been fun! yes, run and fun in the same sentence!
alright, i have spent WAY TO MUCH time looking at houses in hawaii tonight, so it's off to bed for me! i can hear the foghorn blowing... it's been crazy foggy here recently. and, i think i can hear daddy and nora up... might be time to change the sheets! nora has been asking for drinks, and PROMISING that she will get up to go to the bathroom. it still doesn't always happen....
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