20 April 2011


phew... we move in two weeks. and it's two more months of transition. not being settled. not being in my house. just being. (that sounds like complaining... i do get to be with family, doing cool things and being around for my sissy's wedding...) a good reminder that this world is not my home and i am not to grow roots too deep here. that my first love should be God.

i am starting to feel anxiety about it. not bad. just phew. there's stuff to get done. but so much of it can't be done until right before. and so much CRAP i want to get rid of!! and a few more things i want to get before i move to an island...

and, the school i had REALLY wanted for nora called and she is "provisionally accepted". a month ago i would have been SO EXCITED! but, now we found a 2-day a week preschool, which i think i might better. the only problem with the first preschool is that it is EVERY. DAY. that's a lot for a little girl who might go to preschool for two more years! and a mom who has to drive her and might want to be at the beach...

i don't want to burn bridges, in case i want her there someday. but i think i might say no to it! and i am sad about that. phew...

and i have wanted to update so much more. like pictures (but i am too lazy to go get the cord for that right now... you just get me and my thoughts tonight!!). these last few days, we've been relaxed. i don't get us out the door by 8:30 am. it's been nice (for a time. but i do crave my scheduled days, work-out first thing. etc).

oh, and i turn 30 in two days....

an update on my babies... the boy is SO BIG! i don't think i always notice it, because i am with him every day. but, he is speaking so much more clearly. and is just so quick! he's so cute. and funny. he loves to play "who's that" with cards or lines from movies. it's so cute! he can quote books and count to 13. he knows all these hymns that we sing to him! he is OBSESSED with any and all things veggie tales.

nora. is doing SO WELL with her new gluten-free diet. it's been just over a week. two weeks ago, we were FIGHTING to put her to bed at night. it was knock-down, drag out. she would run away and hide. and scream. and slam doors. and kick. and yell. it was AWFUL! more often than not, at night, she would complain of a stomach ache (not related to the temper tantrums), as i put her in bed.

in the last week, she has only complained of a tummy ache twice. both times, i realized she accidentally had gluten that day (once at school...). but no other time. and, she is a DREAM to put in bed. it's been so EASY! (knock on wood... i know i have just jinxed myself...) but, related or not, there is a change this week in both those areas!

she loves to play. she had her princesses lined up today and they were the disney parade. and we got to go to disney together and ride the rides in her room. she can "read" several books by memory. she has figured out who people are... ("mommy, your mother in law is grammie. that's daddy's mommy".) so cute. and so grown up. and, she would LOVE to go to school five days a week!!!

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