26 August 2009

sweet baby girl!

not so much my baby anymore. but, she is SO MUCH FUN!!! she kept asking to "talk to nora" after this video!

lesson number two... God is in control. OVER EVERYTHING. and kids come after that! (just kidding...mostly) but, seriously, i was reading a novel by an author i love and in it, a pastor was giving a sermon. he talked about how he was carrying his son and realizing that his son trusted him to carry him and not drop him. how much more is that true of God? we are His children. why would i doubt His plan and His ways. another example was that i would do anything in my power to stop nora from getting hurt, even if it meant disappointing her in another way. but i could see how it was stopping from an even greater problem/hurt/disappointment. so it must be with God. romans says that He works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. so, when things happen that i don't like, or would have done differently, i am going to continue to trust that.

i had been learning that lesson over and over again this last year. i think it's a good one, because the navy is unpredictable. eventually, it's not a question of if we will move, but when. i don't like to think about that. it is the same for friends. we are going to come and go. i don't like it, but i can trust that God has a bigger plan and purpose for it all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tell nora to stop growing. i loved the video. especially at the end when she was counting to ten. what a riot. love you guys