the kids all got a bath last night. i fed james before i put his shoes back on. i was struck with how NORMAL his feet looked! i knew the day was coming... but was still surprised. his feet have meant so much to me, that i just had to take some pictures! i can't wait to see where these feet take him. and i continually think... "how lovely on the mountain are the feet of him, who brings good news, good news..."

more feet... they are james', even though we are on nora's pink bed for the background!
we were just hanging out!
nora was entertaining us by reading to us. she kept saying "ready guys? are you ready?"
this was when i was feeding james... at least she doesn't have "bebe gloton". (check it out on!)
she loves the snowman shorts! (they are daddy's...)
nora got some awesome bath crayons (thanks aunt rebec) for her birthday and LOVED them!! she kept saying "writing i love you mommy".
we played hooky the other day and went to the baseball game. it was SO MUCH fun! totally random date in the middle of the day!!! yes, my sweatshirt is on. yes, it was the HOTTEST day of the year. yes, we were in the sun the entire time. yes, i did get a little burnt (hence the sweatshirt...), and no, the sweatshirt wasn't too bad. it actually felt better than frying! and no, the padres lost! but, still SO MUCH FUN!!!
okay, so last night, nora wanted to sing "pokey pokey" (i think that's hokey pokey). i started singing it and she said "i'm busy". oh, okay... too busy for mom to sing!! by the way, pretty sure she learned that song at sunday school!!!
she likes to "read" her stories to us (from memory...) and will ask "are you ready mommy?" quite a bit! also, when reading, she will point to a character on the page and ask "who is this?". i guess we do that a lot!
i told her i was going to make dinner. she said "help with the nummies, mommy". um, okay!!
if i ask her to help clean up, she will usually say "mommy help too". umm, no. nora made the mess, nora can clean it up! (actually, i usually do help!!!) last night, i asked her to go put her shoes in her room. she said "i think i'll wear them...". and she did! great way to get out of it!
if you ask if she wants to do something (go to the pool, play a game, etc), she will quite frequently say "maybe later" (pronounced maybe yater").
green has gone from being "geen" to "ga-ween".
she got up from her nap yesterday and said "i'm so tired mommy", with exhaustion in her voice!
james is still rolling over quite a bit! he loves to lay on his back and play with his shoelaces. we will find him in his bed just talking and playing like that! he enjoys the exersaucer and most nights, we eat dinner outside while he plays in it! he is sleeping almost 12 hours, up once in there just to eat quickly. i think we are down to two naps, although he might do three occasionally. he's just such a happy, pleasant little boy. he LOVES to smile and flirt with anyone! we go back a week from monday to get the next assessment of his feet. from what i understand, the decision will either be surgery or shoes/bar at night only. i am anticipating surgery, but praying for not. i would much prefer the night only option! he could wear normal shoes, or just go barefoot!!
if i am running quickly into the store, and have him strapped to me, i don't put the bar on. people will comment on his shoes, how cute they are, then realize there is more to them. which invariably leads to questions about what they are for. more often than not, as i explain it, they share their "story" (so and so they know had the same thing, and that was 40 years ago, and they played hockey and turned out just fine...). i wish i could share my "story". the doctor's were afraid there was so much more, and it's just his feet. we are almost done with this process, which is so easy to deal with. i know it shouldn't affect anything in the future for him, and it's been awesome to see God use this in my life and the lives of others.
nora, as a side note, also seems to really be liking her big girl bed. when she talks about it, you get the whole story... "big girl bed in our new house, threw cupeez in trash at old house, trash has uckies, no cupeez in big girl bed..." and usually some of that is repeated as she tells the story. she occasionally asks for it, and then will say "cupeez in the trash". it's only been a week, but it's gone SO MUCH better than i anticipated this week going.
alright, james is starting to get sad. but, both kids were quite entertained, so you got a nice big post today!!!
1 comment:
Hi Michelle, David and family,
I love seeing the pictures of the children as they are growing. I would love your new address as I have some fun items for the little ones. I hope all is going well in your new home.
Sue Flynn
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