03 August 2009

all grown up!!!

my pictures are having a funny time uploading. i may revert to sending them out kodak gallery style. we did a lot of growing up this weekend. as i told david at one point, my nest is complete. we are in our new house, and mostly unpacked. the garage is one evening away from being organized and able to park cars in!!!! (in addition to it being david's man cave... workbench, tv, tools, couch) we are so thankful for the fabulous help of sue and sarah haile as we moved in. they did a lot of childcare, and heavy lifting! (also, helping me decide when and what to throw out!!!) we have closets that are nowhere near full! it's such a nice feeling... everything has it's place, and a place for every thing. we are trying to downsize the amount of "stuff" we have. goodwill received a lot of donations from us this weekend!! (and more to come...)

nora slept in her crib with cupeez on thursday night. friday morning, we got up and threw it away. we moved to the new house and she has been sleeping in her big-girl bed since. her first nap went well... at first. i put her in there, and there was NOT A SOUND after i left. that lasted for about 45 minutes. i heard her knocking and went back in... she had a BAD diaper, so thankfully, i was able to catch it before it got all over her room or new bed. when i left again, tears ensued for the next 45 minutes. i gave up after that (plus, it was about 4:30 pm at that point...) she only cried for 15 minutes, off and on, when she went to bed that night. and there really haven't been tears since. she asked for cupeez last night, but i reminded her that she threw it away, and she got another animal or book for her bed instead. i am waiting to see if this honeymoon period will end!!

and, james rolled over! lots of firsts for everyone this weekend... he had been trying to for awhile, and doing it on couches and mattresses, so i hadn't counted those yet. he is quite proud of himself, and every time he's done it so far has been with his bar!!

alright, pictures should get emailed today... i am waiting for them to upload. if you want them, but don't get them, leave a comment or email me with your email! it's nothing personal...

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