nora "helped" daddy wash his car the other day... she may have gotten wetter than the car. just saying!
yesterday, kayden and jace came over to play. james LOVED all the attention kayden gave him.
this weekend, moira, everett and their parents came over. we brought nora's table and chairs outside for the kids. they played all night and the adults got to eat and socialize!! so WONDERFUL to have a backyard!

nora loves to snuggle... especially with james!
we got invited next door for addison's "waterworld". think spray park in blow up form! nora had a blast!!
nora is so glad that addison loves to share her toys. in fact, we came home from working out there this morning with more toys they shared for the week! nora is having fun with those new toys!

more waterworld...
serious james. he was hanging out while everyone plays around him!
nora turned over the chair the other day and said "i'm fixing it mommy, like daddy". too cute!!!
okay... finally got our batteries and old camera working. here's some videos of the week... james playing in his crib while nora sits on the potty...
and nora entertaining me this morning! she is SUCH A JOY in my life. potty training is going. yesterday and today i have just left unders off and she has gone most times by herself and calls me in to check (and give her treats). we have had a few accidents, but i think we are coming out in favor of more times in the potty! we've come so far... and have so far to go! this morning was the first morning we ventured anywhere but our house. (and it was only next door!!)
moving into the big girl bed has gone so well! i found my hidden cupeez the other day, and am so glad we haven't needed it. last night was the first time she asked for one crying, but she was in the middle of a 30 minute temper tantrum! she went to bed fine without it. she seems to love her bed, and goes down SO NICELY! (knock on some serious wood here...) i am so glad that we did it all in one fell swoop... instead of dragging out the drama!
right now, she was showing james her baby doll, and james grabbed it (as he does with anything you put in front of his face!). nora then told him... "you don't take other people's". ahh... smart kid! now, she is putting her doll down for a "nap" and saying "i'll lay with you while you take a nap!". hmm... alright, back to taking care of my kids! lunch... then NAPTIME!!
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