they had me help hold his feet in place. and covered me up, while asking if there was any chance i could be pregnant!!! i laughed... and said "i hope not!!"
he also asked if i was a health care professional because of the way i held james' feet during the x-rays. fun to know i still have it in me!
here were his feet yesterday. that little bone in his heel still hasn't moved, so he is back in casts again for the next four weeks. in four weeks, he will have that minor surgery to clip his tendon (one in each heel). then, back in casts for three weeks after that.

it was funny to see nora holding james again today, so i thought i would use this picture as comparison!
and, here's today! they are both so much bigger!!!
potty-training is going well. nora has about an accident a day. yesterday, it happened to be in the ball pit at our neighbor's house. not so much fun. but, i have washed and cleaned all the balls. most of the time, she'll tell us she has to go, or just go in and go by herself, and come tell us "good job nora"!!
she hasn't figured out that she could lie and tell us she went every time, just to get a jellybean. she will tell us no she didn't go sometimes. (this IS a good thing... )
this morning, i was looking for a candle for her play cake. i asked where it went, and she told me "daddy lost it". cute... previously it has been james' fault (for something else...)
about the casts/surgery. a lot of people have asked me how i am feeling about it. i am a little bummed. i feel like we wasted three months... except that he may get to pick up where he left off (so bar and shoes only at night) after the surgery and casts. that would be awesome! otherwise, it's a hassle and a bummer now... but NO BIG DEAL in the longrun. he will be just fine, and God is in control. He is good, all the time, every day. so, who am i to complain and say i don't like this. if this is what He has for us, we are going to make the best of it!
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