13 March 2013

what i wore... in december!!!

this pic just got emailed to me.  and i just love it!  it was fun to remember our fun Christmas party again!  

ps... i made david's tie.  did i mention that?

i have been doing this study on "sheparding a child's heart".  it speaks to changing and molding a child's heart, rather than just fixing behavior.  it's been really interesting, and really convicting!  and, good just to remind me that my ultimate goal is not stepford kids, but kids that love Jesus with all their hearts, souls, minds and strength.  and out of that, are good kids.  but still kids!!!

i could list all the things that i do wrong (and i do!).  like yesterday, they watched a movie and then played with the ipad.  all while this guy was here to install bars on our windows (did you know that 4 kids have fallen out of windows in military housing in hawaii this year, resulting in death or injury, and 71 in the state of hawaii since june??  we have friends whose son died falling out of a window two years ago.  not sure what took me so long to get the bars!!).  but this guy commented on how he didn't have these growing up, and parents just don't watch their kids anymore!  i felt like a winner, as my kids were being entertained by electronics.  but, they were in the room with me!!!!

all that to say, i have my shortcomings.  i am not perfect.  and try to be honest in this forum, without throwing my kids under the bus, or writing things they won't want to read about themselves in years to come!!!  but, they are not perfect.  

however, as i have been thinking about molding hearts, and not just creating robots, i have been listening to their prayers.  some of it is exactly what i say.  but this morning, they had other things to say.  and it was so precious.  nora was praying for the words she says to be kind.  and james now starts his prayers, "oh heavenly father".  not sure where he got it, but it's cute!!

anyway, i am loving the glimmers of things that have been good recently!  in spite of me!!!!

(really hard to tell them to talk sweetly when i am being scrumpy with them.  scrumpy is james' word.  i love using it!!!)

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