17 October 2011


school pictures. and i couldn't find the shoes he wanted to wear. so he chose these. i said "no".

what i wore today. my jean shorts (cutoff from old navy jeans), t shirt (nordstrom bp), a cardi (tjs or marshalls)... it was fun to wear a cardi!

and of course, my almost 27 week baby!!

our craft of the week! footprint ghosts!

leigh doing shirts for her boys.

how i found my kids... as they beat my downstairs by 3 minutes...

she was reading to herself until her brother joined her. it's so fun to hear her "read". she knows almost all the words to her story, or will make it up. and you can tell that daddy does a LOT of the reading, and is WAY MORE FUN in his reading... she copies all his inflections, etc. it's so sweet...

yesterday, we took david to work at 5:30 am. which meant we were all VERY tired after school. after a bit of a fight with my 4 year old, i gave her a choice. time out in her bed (i was hoping it would turn into a nap) or miss dinner out with friends. we fell asleep in her bed. when i woke up (what felt like) 20 minutes later, it was really over 2 hours later. and we were going to be late for dinner! the kids had GREAT naps and woke up in the best mood.

wonderful dinner. wonderful friends. and then... fro yo. the kids were so good for it all, and asked to finish the movie we were watching in the car when we got home. so, we did. while i cleaned up the kitchen. and then snuggled before bed. it was such a wonderful, peaceful night. oh, and i worked on the new bassinet! i was so excited... it's almost done... i am just waiting on the rest of the fabric to get here!!


Kristin said...

The top pic of James is SO adorable in his sissy's shoes!!! i cannot wait for his school pics because he looked so cute in his outfit!!

David Presley said...

Attaboy James! got those flat feet haha. youre kids are so stinking cute!!! i wanna be with you guys!!