05 October 2011

we're (almost) famous!!

so, i HATE to throw things away. i had this shirt that i shrunk (it's linen... needed washed...). i LOVED it. i bought it at this little boutique called eddie rodriguez. they had the BEST sales... and then went out of business... with 75% off sales on their new lines! it was great. i think someone else has one like it... jenn? linda?? so glad i saved it, because it's so cute on nora!!

speaking of... nora's bedding was the bedding i bought right after college. and couldn't throw it away, even when david wasn't a huge fan of the wonderful pink bedding! now, it's on nora's bed. and every time i change it to the pink sheets, i think of my wonderful dad. who... when i could only afford one set of sheets with it, bought me the pink ones, so i could have a spare.

and jamey's bedding. it was my college bedding for four years. i remember buying it with my mom. wanting to buy a second duvet (because of course i can't find it anywhere now!)... trying to match with my roomie... we didn't and that was okay, too! but, i liked it and it was nice and couldn't bear to get rid of it. now, the limes and blues and yellows are great in his room! (and still wishing for that second duvet!!)

what i wore today... david's gone this week.. (which of course meant jamey got an ear infection and the kids throw fits at bedtime for me... and NEVER happens when he's home!!) so the room is a mess!

jamey's halloween costume. he is OBSESSED! he loves it. and even keeps the hat on! it's so sweet... it was worth the $22 in shipping to get it here!!! (yes, more than i paid for the costume. and yes, i probably could have made it. but, it was more worth it to get a good one... and david really was all about it. i would have made him be "handsome prince charming" in the tux we already own!!)

getting his baby on. our sweet friend, patrick. we had a lovely lunch at their house this week, and i was snuggling on patrick. david kept hovering and finally i asked if he wanted to hold the baby. he jumped at the chance! i LOVE THIS MAN!!

my children. and their awesome teeth. nora thinks they are hysterical!

today i have four kids! my two, and two friends (while they move into their new house...). and they could almost all be mine... if nora and little c were twins! mmm... not sure how i feel about four under six. might have to rethink this plan!!! (seriously, though, the kids are great and having a blast. i will definitely have to rethink how carseats are situated in my car, because nora can't buckle hers with three across right now. so that meant i had to buckle four kids in today... i think that was the worst part! i was super hot and tired and climbing all over all the car seats to get buckled! the four kids at our mops fall carnival was EASY!)

and... check this out!! the fifth hotel. i talk about it here... and here... you know... were we go see the dolphins, get valet parking with lunch, and enjoy a GORGEOUS beach! and, it's one of the top five celebrity secret resorts! sweet.. (and no, i have not seen a celebrity there yet. but, may have to go back more often! and yes, i do look! not that i would be obnoxious... at least to them. only to my wonderful readers!!!)

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