and the perfect fit to the big wall! he loves it!!! (and let's be honest, so do i!! he said he couldn't wait to put it in an "i love me" room someday. i told him i liked it where it was!!!)

encouraging athletic ability... sit ups for the girl! (i am guessing the navy wouldn't approve of her form! ) really, it was for a school thing. she had to do jumping jacks and sit ups. she LOVES doing the homework. and wanted to do more sit-ups.

the best i could get from after beach this weekend...
no, i didn't photoshop this. yes, that IS my son playing in the water of his own accord. no bribing, no forcing. just went in. his hair is even a little wet.

at a birthday party this weekend. so much fun. it was a "toddler tango" party, and the kids LOVED it!!!
i got my glucose tolerance test done today... fun times. surprisingly, the hour wait for the blood draw went faster than anticipated. we also had to be up RIDICULOUSLY early to take david to work for some car problems. the kids woke up so sweetly and were so much fun! (which was good, because as i laid in bed last night and told david how guilty i felt that nora thought i didn't like her, he agreed that yesterday WAS quite a whiny day!! and also told me that i can't take everything a 4 year old says to heart...)
i made scrambled eggs and bacon (for them) for breakfast and they loved it... which made me think about guilt. most days, i sleep in as late as possible and we quickly eat breakfast getting out the door on time for school. cause i love to sleep. (and it's not like i am usually up late. we go to bed at 9:30pm!!) how often a day could i feel guilty for something? is that part of begin a mom? (thankfully i talked to the best mom in the world, and she told me it was!!!)
i feel guilty sometimes for school, but really think it's the best. i think mostly it's sad that he's growing up. and he has way more fun than he would running errands with me, getting blood drawn, going to the grocery store or begin babysat for those things. or in childcare for a Bible study. (which is my new thursday morning!) and, i get to help out at school, because i HAVE the time. i enjoy volunteering there (like this morning, for picture day!!!!). next year, it will be tougher to do...
i feel guilty that they don't eat enough green veggies. but, of her own accord, nora now LOVES green beans and edemame. and begs for them. and it's not like they just eat crap! i do the best i know how for my kids. and that's all i can do. and days like yesterday remind me that sometimes my tone is too harsh. sometimes i try to do things too quickly or too much. i am so fortunate that my husband is home a bunch right now, and i don't have to drag two kids through the grocery store. and when he's not home, i can do it during preschool hours. i think there will always be something to feel guilty about.... (i forgot my prenatals yesterday... i didn't work out long enough.) the good news is that Jesus loves. and He washes my sins away. and if i am living for Him, i have nothing to feel guilty about!
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