playing tball... she's actually pretty good. and, she dressed herself. dress, skirt, socks, shoes...

the love of my life. who hates having his picture taken like this. i love him, even with his "chandler bing" smile!!

the sweet boy. and his sweet face.

LOVE this! they are so cute when they want to be. and when they are not fighting! i sent them both to their rooms today, because i was tired of hearing "he/she did...". i didn't care who started it. i was just done with the tattling!

and i have a new order! yay!! so, i got out my scraps to see what i had to work with!!
and her contribution. i think i have several of her saying the pledge, but it's just so cute!! so, here it is again!
a good day. one of those days where i (mostly) looked at my kids and thought, "life is good". we went for a walk after a LATE breakfast, and they were great! it's always fun to see the glimpses of ocean we can see, as well as the mountains with their HUGE rain clouds hovering. then a stop at the park. i got caught up with an old friend while my kids played, gloriously together, without much fighting, for awhile. i mean, a LONG while. lunch. walmart. sadly no naps, crafting while i made dinner. playing with neighbors outside. dinner. and bathtime/bedtime with daddy while i blog a bit! these are the days i will miss when they are in school full time!
and yes, i have thought about home schooling. but when i go for seven months on end with no husband in sight, i think i will enjoy the days they are in school!!!
1 comment:
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Pledge of Allegiance!!!!!!!!
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