17 October 2011

hope you're enjoying...

the new look. i hope it's working on your computer! i am trying to upload photos, but maybe blogger is telling me i have done too much for tonight. or my (gasp!) mac. not sure. but iPhoto and blogger are not talking. so, i can't post the new pics.

but let me tell you... we had a good day. i got a two hour nap. we went to church. we had friends over for the pool and dinner. david and i are working on a little project for his deployment. i am videotaping him reading books to the kids. it's so fun! when i get around to downloading those, i will share one with you. cause i LOVE the way he reads to the kids.

and... work has REALLY begun on the baby's room. i am starting on the new bassinet coverings. and maybe a new carseat cover. the bumpers are done, and i have to do the crib skirt. i am waiting on some fabric and then we'll roll!

last night, hubs and i played wii sports and had a blast! (even though my butt was kicked in most sports. let the record show that we DID tie in golf, however!) i have so much fun with this man and am enjoying every second he's home right now.

nora is getting so OLD. and jamey just loves to be held. (when he's not off and running!!) at the pool today, nora was like a fish. she's deceptive in her 4 year old body. she swims better than i do. and jamey even got in up to his shoulders. and i "tricked" him into getting into the pool for a few. it was fun times!

church... we need a good one. one where we can get somewhat involved. (tough with a hubs who is gone a lot) or at least to have someone to sit next to when david's not there. familiar faces. more importantly, somewhere that preaches the Gospel. and we are begin fed. oh, the search for the "perfect" church!!

that was our weekend in some random trains-of-thought...

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