02 May 2010


snuggling with daddy on nora's bed... outside!!

cheese!! (the mattress was outside to get rid of a stain...)

sweet, sleepy baby boy!

hiding at the airport, waiting to pick up mom-mom

two happy girls. one, cause she has her nora, two because she has new princess shoes!

loving on his mom-mom

nora lining up her new princess shoes. that's all she's wanted to do all week!

so last night, i went to bed at SIX PM!!! i think i actually fell asleep around 8. i got this weird flu (and NO, i am not preggers... thanks for asking!), sore throat, cold, etc. it felt SO GOOD to sleep! so, that's why there wasn't a post last night. sorry... i was tired! and took advantage of all the help here!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i wonder what mom's favorite color is... but those are some cute pics of her and the kids. wish i could have been there. stupid finals.