standing on his own... this is as far as he's gotten, but he can push to standing by himself (video to come soon!)


yesterday, nora told me we had to clean the house so daddy would be so happy. so, this is how she cleaned! (the laundry is mine... it just hadn't been folded yet... but, the baby pack-n-play, blanket and baby... all her and how she "cleaned"!)

note the stuff lining the space under my tv. not where it usually gets put away to, but who was i to discourage this??

and the bookshelf, stuffed!!! so sweet and cute! i told her to start without me and i would be right there. she got it all done so fast!!! i love her!

this is right across from where we got married... who knew that five years later, we would be there with our two kids!!!

surprisingly, NOT eating whatever was in his hands!! i think we managed to NOT eat any sand yesterday!

i wanted to get a picture of all of us, so i told nora to stand right there, by her plant (at her feet). she stood so still!!!

me and my kiddos!!! i told nora tonight i was madly in love with them. again, she asked, "are you mad mommy?" "nope, just love you guys!!"
on this day, an awesome man was born. ruggedly handsome, conservative, applied to the us naval academy. oh, and my husband! (the former was john wayne. betcha didn't know that!! he was declined admission to usna. my sweet husband, however, wasn't! might be the 1570 on his sat, or the fact that he could tell a school like dartmouth it was his second choice, but whatever!)
anyway, today is david's birthday. happy birthday sweet husband. i love you so much! i am the luckiest girl in the world! i love being married to you. i am so thankful for you. i am glad that you are my baby daddy. you are a wonderful man. and husband. and father. the navy is lucky to have you. and so are we! we are proud of what you do, who you are and how you love us. thanks for loving God first. thanks for teaching that to our kids. thanks for loving both your nudgy wife and loving wife. you have such incredible patience with me.
if you have been patient enough, i have more to say!!! WE SOLD OUR CONDO!!! (i think that was david's birthday present!!!) such a HUGE, HUGE answer to prayer. we close on friday. AMAZING! i have cried and leapt with joy this week. i am overwhelmed and ecstatic, and a little sad to see it go... not sad in the i want to keep it way, just sad. it has good memories! but, WE SOLD IT!! thank you Lord. we found out monday morning, and signed all the paperwork yesterday. from start to finish, three months. not bad!
also, there's this video out there and one of the lines is "not today, it's mother's day". so, we say that sometimes. this morning, i said it and nora told me "mommy, you had your day. today is nora's day". uh-oh!!
she is so sweet. today, the kids had a snack. gorilla munch. i told nora to stop stomping it with her feet... making a mess. i told her if she did it again, i would punish her. well, five seconds later, she accidentally stepped on one. i happened to be looking, and saw that she didn't do it on purpose. she turned and said "don't punish me mom." it was so sweet! she didn't get punished. but, she did think it was fun, like bubble wrap. good thing we're moving soon and will have more bubble wrap!
jamey... if you ask him any question, he will raise his hand. like, "who's my favorite little boy?". he raises his hand! so cute!! such a little snuggler. when i get him up from bed, if i sit in the rocker, he'll lay his head on my shoulder and just snuggle. sometimes, he'll look up and lay his head back down and pat my shoulder!! so sweet. and, he gives the BEST kisses! wet and open mouth... those awesome baby kisses... (we're working on the closed mouth!)
we met daddy for a birthday dinner tonight in coronado. what a blessed life we live! it was a gorgeous night. breezy, family, pizza, sunset drive home. oh, and david got to fly in a helo and shoot some awesome guns today. thanks to the navy for planning a better birthday than i could!!! (btw... we are going to star wars in concert on friday for his birthday. my girl friends are going to see the sex and the city premiere... not sure who wins!!! okay, i do... a wonderful night with my man!!!)
if you stuck with this whole thing... awesome, and thanks! (amos and lucille...) i promise to post more often, so there's not so much to catch up on!!!
Is that the dress you made Nora? Super cute!!
Great pics - great post! I love
reading it each day. Can't wait
to see you guys this summer!!!
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