we went on a field trip today... to sea world. to see "shampoo". this is the view from the sea lion and otter show. i will miss this view. this san diego. sad face for me today!!

jamey just playing as we waited for "shampoo" to make his debut. actually, nora was quite scared by "shampoo". we think it might have been the music, but she didn't like it...

my dear, sweet cousin em is in town for a visit!! (she prompted the visit to sea world... sorry amy for the lack of post last night. i was catching up with em!) nora is SO EXCITED to have em here! nora was so not excited to do the climbing nets.

jamey just chilling...
she LOVED running through these fishies! however, the big jumpy thing- HATED. don't get it. that would seem like SO MUCH more fun!!
i wish i could have caught her face as they took it. the sea lion kept looking for more fish. nora was sad to realize that we had no more. she told the sea lion he should go swim!!

a HUGE fan of these starfish. didn't quite get that they were real. and alive. and, she CHUCKED it back into the water. girl's got an arm!!

there was a sound machine that made polar bear noises. nora was so afraid that the polar bear was going to be mad that we were in his bedroom. she couldn't get out of there fast enough, until i told her that the polar bear said it was okay right now.
such a stinking fun day. so fun to have em here. so tired... and losing my voice. (from being sick...) and going to bed.
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