his new FAVORITE toy... bought for nora for $6 at ikea. my BEST investment EVER!! it's in his crib, so we routinely hear banging for a few minutes, then silence. then, several hours later, more banging! (sometimes, we are down to one nap now. sad!! but, also a good thing!!)

our morning shake. it's SO GOOD! and my kids love it, too!!! i've had to make more, so i get my full shake! it's my only breakfast, while they have bananas, oatmeal, the kitchen sink and shakes! crazy kids!

mmm... food! i think he actually does his own version of signs now. it's cute!! frantically waving is more or please... depending on what is going on!!

sweet boy in the sand boat. actually, he was trying to get out!!
so, it's been a busy few days. i think about blogging late at night, and it gets pushed to the next day. this one is going to be short and sweet, but i thought i would put a few pics in!! much more to update you on our lives tomorrow... there's a lot!!!
1 comment:
Ahhhh! This is also one of Cade's most favorite toys ever! I am so impressed it has remained intact despite the daily pounding, and boy does he ever pound it!! Boys have such passion for banging things! So fun!
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