30 April 2010

saying goodbye

our condo flooded in december, so we had to replace the carpet. i finally got to see it this week! i was very excited about the way it turned out. i picked the color from a 4 inch square of carpet, comparing that to a 2 inch square of the paints!! i think i did a good job!!! anyway, we are trying to sell it. i was over there the other day showing it to our prospective buyer. i got there a little early to vacuum and clean up, since our renter just moved out. it was so bittersweet.

david and i both feel like pursuing selling is the right thing to do right now. but, this was the condo i bought when i was 23. all by myself (although i maybe shouldn't be too proud of that!!). it was at that condo that david came to the door and picked me up for our first date. it was there that we came back to after our honeymoon. it was there that we brought our daughter home from the hospital. it was our first home. first steps. first dates. first love. first meals.

all the memories. all the laughter. the time that all my sisters and my mom were there the week nora was born. the first christmas when sarah and byssa came out. anyway. there's the new carpet!!!

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