i really like that picture. note the glass slippers (plastic)... she wore those ALL day. despite several offers to wear other shoes. all she wanted was those!! all day. a girl after my own heart!

the happiest place on earth!!! naptime!

my sweet girl, enjoying "small world" for the first time!

jamey really enjoyed all the rides this time. on "small world" and "nemo" he loved all the things to look at!!

nora was excited to "drive" us in the race cars. who knew she was old enough???? my baby girl!

and there's my big boy!!
here we are on "small world". cute looks we have going on, huh??

nora was showing off the ring she was wearing to ariel. she dressed herself... fairy dress, "crown" (headband), necklace and a ring!

she's a little thrilled to be meeting ariel!

my big boy riding his own ride!

showing off her glass slippers to belle!

hugging tigger... still a little timid about it, but okay this time!

the hailes... our last trip to disney for awhile. very sad face!

reading and saying goodbye to grammie this morning... but it was a FUN trip! and james figured out how to unlace the shoe in his hand!!!
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