06 January 2010


i LOVE james' pediatrician. LOVE him. however, i have never had an appointment be less than two hours. i really struggle with it. if i knew he would be our pediatrician until james was 18, i would change. but, we have one or two more visits before we move... so. i deal.

today was james' NINE MONTH check-up. can you believe it? he was 28 3/4 inches long (75%) and 19.13 pounds (50%). (for comparison, nora was 27.5 inches and 20.1 pounds) he's so big! the doctor commented on a few things. first of all, james looks awesome. secondly, nora's vocabulary and comprehension astounded him! that's my rockstar!!! he was so impressed with her all around. i was so proud!

just before he came in, she had been begging to go home. she gave me this look... out of the corner of her eyes, almost rolling her eyes at me! i had to laugh... she looked like such a disgruntled teenager!!

so, here's my venting... we get there (by the way, they tell you to come 15 minutes early... we were 5!) they were playing 101 dalmations in the waiting room... nora's new favorite. she loves the "bad guys". she was thrilled. well, we got taken back about 10 minutes later. i had been reminding nora that this was the doctor that has a chalkboard in the room. guess what... we got taken to the one room without a chalkboard. she was so bummed... and kept asking for dalmations.

then, the assistant makes me wake up james from his 15 minute nap to do his height and weight. so, i do and he does okay with that. but, we don't get seen until 90 minutes later!!!

meanwhile, i brought several little treats for nora. i think she was on her fourth snack when the doctor came in!!! at least they were healthy!!! i also remembered to bring sketchy! that kept us entertained for quite awhile. i think i drew everything under the sun! she gets pretty particular, too. she wanted me to draw cruella deville, so i did. but, she wanted not just her face, but whole body with the coat. then, she wanted the bad, scary guys. i drew them, but she wanted them in the van. so, i had to draw them in the van!

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