10 January 2010

kindergarden cop...

okay, so it went fine today!!! i asked the kids who dressed themselves this morning, and could feed themselves, and go to the bathroom by themselves. they all could. then, i made the point that james can't, and i have to do it for him. the kids got to ask questions. one kid asked if james drank milk. he then said he drank soy milk, but had real milk once and it made his stomach hurt, and he drinks out of a cup and went to disney world with his grandparents and they got him a buzz lightyear and a cars cup and he uses those but at the airport his mom got him a mickey mouse cup.... then the teacher stopped him. another raised his hand to ask a question. he looked at me and said "i like your earrings..." cute! they were fun!!!

both of my kids want daddy today. nora was having a meltdown... post-nap-wake-up-meltdown... not sure what caused it, but she wanted daddy. then, james was having a hard time going down for a nap. i went in and was rocking him, and he saw daddy and started crying. guess my job here is done!!

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