22 January 2010

something to tempt you...

in case you don't know, this is a picture of hawai'i... our soon to be home!

notice the rainbow in the background. i have seen four rainbows today... coincidence?

we got orders today to hawai'i for three years. so, it thought i would tempt you all to start making plans to come visit us!!!

i used pictures from a previous trip to show what a great place we are moving to!

a sunset luau!!

walks on the beach...

chinaman's hat (the land mass in the background!!) come visit, PLEASE!!!

anyway, the navy has told us we are moving to hawai'i! if you want more details, call or email!


Laura said...

Wow! Am still in Haiti but coming home in a week. Just reading through your blog - Hawaii? That's great! Brian and I will definitely have to plan a visit =) xoxoxo!

caramac said...

congrats! my brother and his family are also stationed at pearl harbor, assuming that that's where you're going. when do you move?