sorry, iphoto won't upload them right to here... maybe it's blogspot's fault... but the girls thought they were so funny the other day. i did take a pic, then tell them they would break it and couldn't do that! but they sure were cute!!

the girls the other day. nora wanted a bow just like kensley. and she wanted kens to sit RIGHT THERE.

mmm... tastes good!!
maybe i should read it???
my sweet boy. and my new favorite jammies!! i LOVE them on him. he was a little frustrated because he knew it would hurt to just fall off the step, but wasn't sure how else to get down!

my little boy working so hard!!!
spiky hair. not sure why we haven't spiked james' like we did nora's. maybe it just doesn't hold it like hers does! i think he has his daddy's hair!! but, it stayed after his bath the other night...

my sweet baby burrito!!!
bathtime!!! he HATES getting out. he did, however, love when i held him up to the mirror. he got a cute look on his face, looked and me and back at the mirror... like, "how can you be in both places. and WHO is that other baby you are holding???"

snuggling with daddy after church on sunday...
and, i guess not that anyone cares, but here's my commentary on today... (just kidding mom!) james got up at 4:45 to eat again. and, for the first night ALL WEEK, he went RIGHT back to bed. no more screaming! however, that is when my rounds in the bathroom began. i am hoping for food poisoning, but that remains to be seen. either way, i spent the next two hours in and out of the bathroom. however, my kids slept in until after 7am. but, they never do that when i am able to sleep! although it was nice to not have them "helping" me in the bathroom.
we got up, i put james in his high chair to eat and set nora on the couch with some breakfast. i told her mommy's tummy hurt and i didn't feel good. she got me her new ariel cup and told me to drink it and it would help my tummy not hurt! precious girl!!!
here's the really sick thing. i still really want to run tonight. the other good news... i lost FIVE pounds this morning... i know, i know, it will all come back when i start eating and drinking again, but still!!!
Thank You!!!!!
It is almost 1/15/2010 in Cleveland...
it's not in san diego... thanks for the reminder, though!
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