28 May 2014

last day...

he had to get in on the last day of school pic!

we are in trouble.  serious trouble!

they couldn't stay out of the pics.  and i love that he has an apple in his hand.  he LOVES apples!


trying to get the big 3...  best i could get!

i can't believe it's the last day of school already!  it feels like we just started.  

i am feeling pretty good about the movers coming monday.  the kids rooms are mostly ready to go, with the exception of trying to live and play in them still. they are each allotted just a few toys.  but trying not to make them the ones we will take with us for the hotel and stuff.  don't want them to get bored too fast! 

my room and the kitchen countertop are disaster zones.  i have cleaned out so many cabinets and drawers that the remainder is on the counter.  and i have to figure out what to do with all that crap.  (sorry mom.)  

but feeling good.  this weekend, i will pack for the five of us, so that the movers don't pack what we need for the next 6 weeks or so.  (however long it takes our stuff to sail to us...  thankfully we don't have to do that sail!)

and, MAJOR answer to prayer, we got offered a house this week!  we know there is an option there!  

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