01 May 2014

a new hike...

the old pali highway...  this used to be the old highway from the windward side to waikiki.  now, it's overgrown and a cool trail to walk!

the view from the top!

the ko'olau's.

one ridge.

walking and waiting.

more of that ridge.


the trail... it was so nice that we could bring the stroller.

the peak again.

more flowers.

and even more...



last flower...

the entrance.

back at the beginning.

we found this cool hike on the pali lookout.  and had so much fun exploring it!  

today was my first day on my own.  i put the kids in bed last night after taking alyssa to the airport.  all were in bed by just after 7pm.  and i laid on the couch.  today, i got up 30 minutes after i meant to, but still made breakfast and lunches, did devotions with the kids, got myself ready and got the kids to school early!  it was a productive day!  

we did dinner and bath time tonight, and i snuggled with each kid (chris only until he asked to be put in bed!!!).  so, it was a bit later, and save shoving a paci back in a certain mouth a few times, they are all down again.  so thankful that the first 24 hours has been smooth!  (and i plan to get up 30 minutes earlier tomorrow for my quiet time!)  i know the next 4 weeks could be crazy, but it was nice to have this first day feel so easy.  i am not in a corner crying yet!!!

we were laying in bed and nora asked what i did today...  it was funny to lay it out for her!  i told her my morning till school drop off, then fed brandon, then went for a 45 minute walk with the boys, then had a meeting with another mom about some MOPS stuff, then picked up james, then fed the boys- all three of them, then tried to (unsuccessfully) take a nap.  and cut out fabric.  instead, i held a sad baby.  and then fed him.  then picked up nora, set stuff on the porch for a friend to pick up, ran an errand for another friend, came home, fed the baby while the kids played outside, made dinner, ate, cleaned it up, cleaned up the play room, bathed the boys, did devotions, snuggled the kids.  nora just kind of looked at me...  it was fun to see her realize that i do a lot!  

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