20 May 2014

but for now...

this face made me laugh FOREVER!  i mean, tears in my eyes.  and he just stared at me.  like this.  like, why are you laughing, mom?  he just wanted to be a big kid!

we brought babies to this island...  and are leaving with big kids (and new babies).  we spent saturday at the beach with the b fam... their daddy was gone, too!  it was a glorious day of kids playing and good friends and sun!  enjoying our beach days while we can!

looking at his new friend.  he's getting quite excited about his new friends.  this guy and his killer whale.  it's so fun to watch him interact!

wacky hair day at school.  they both have red stripes in their hair (which, despite washing, is still there!)

saying goodbye to d's car.  

it's spirit week at school!  the kids are having fun.  today was pajama day.  they tried to talk me in to wearing the pajamas they wore all day to bed.  i told them no...  they didn't get it!

and i am cleaning and organizing.  it feels good.  i also never quite realized JUST. HOW. MUCH. WORK. it is to maintain a normal level of cleanliness.  i mean, it could never end!!!  i am trying to find that balance!!!

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