15 September 2011

playing catch...

playing catch with daddy the other night. it was so cute. david has perfected "throwing" with his feet!! and jamey thinks it's hilarious!!!

the kids decided to wake up at 6:15 this morning... sweet! but, again, they played forever by themselves. and when we came downstairs, they each had an apple to eat! i had to change jamey at some point, but nora got him dressed.

he has been asking to be "larry boy" for halloween. until this week. now, he wants to be "handsome prince charming". and wear his tux. what have we done to this boy??? however, my argument is that we ALREADY paid for the tux. why not let him wear it?? and save larry boy for next year???

this morning, he is in a nice button down, collared shirt, and linen chocolate brown pants. his sissy dressed him.

have i mentioned that if you are trying to shop in hawaii currently, you can find FALL AND WINTER clothes? no bathing suits to be found. just sweaters. jeans. long sleeves. SERIOUSLY???

yesterday was an interesting day. i had had some contractions earlier in the week, and was aware enough of them, but not super concerned. when they started again yesterday, i started to get a little more concerned. after doing everything i was supposed to do for several hours, i decided to make sure the contractions weren't doing more than they should be! (it's "normal" to feel more with more babies, etc...) i wasn't worried, just thought i should have someone else tell me it's normal.

i also remembered the wives who would just come in to the hospital to get their husbands out of work. since i wasn't concerned, i just emailed david and figured i could actually CALL the ship if things got serious. i dropped the kids off at leigh's house and was wonderfully advised to CALL david. however, he called just as i was leaving. he was more panicked than i was! i tried to reassure him that i really wasn't worry, but i didn't want to be stupid about it.

it was sweet. i guess when he told the captain his wife was having contractions and going to get checked out, the captain asked, "what are you still doing talking to me?". i got to labor and delivery, had three more contractions, and then they stopped. sweet... at least they didn't think i was stupid for coming in. but, also GREAT to know that there was NOTHING going on...

and it was fun to hear christopher's heartbeat. and know that running, playing, beaching, etc is A-OK for me still. fun times... we got the kids and all (l, d, e, and us) went out to dinner. d and i picked up froyo on the way home and had a wonderfully relaxing night!!!

thought you'd enjoy a story for the morning!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Glad you and Christopher Robin are snug as a bug in a rug still! =)