reaching the falls...

and baby e... she wanted to hold her hand, and at lunch after, just played and played. it was so sweet!!!

on the way home. had to document how DIRTY the girl got... and she LOVED it! it was so much fun to watch!
sorry, blogger has been giving me problems uploading pictures. or, my new computer. i can't figure it out. all in all a GREAT weekend!
we got to see our new little man today! i will put those pics up tomorrow. it's been a fun week, busy with daddy getting home early. and he went into work late today, so he got to see and take the kids to school today, then go to see the baby boy today! quite fun. i think lazy mornings like that should happen more often. a little starbucks breakfast on the way to the appointment!
(although, i am sure if you ask him, it wasn't lazy or relaxing until we got the kids to school... i like to sleep in until the last minute and then dash out the door after throwing breakfast at the kids and down my throat, and then quickly making lunches!!)
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