the most incredible man in the whole world. i am so in love.... (someone recently commented that we still act like newlyweds. i took that as a great compliment!!)

playing. she made a nice friend there. and again today at the same beach... too bad nora's so shy!!!

don't tell anyone, but today, jamey ACTUALLY got in the water. all by himself. up to his knees, but got more wet as waves rolled in. i was SO PROUD! so much for all my bribing!!!

that's the airport behind the kids. where the planes taxi...
yes,that's daddy out in the water. can you see the rain cloud? we happened to be right in between two rain clouds. one passed in front, the other behind us. we got spit on for about 2 minutes. it was beautiful. it also meant WONDERFUL winds!
clean hands. she kept making "dinner" and cleaning her hands first! oh, blackberries were for dinner (read: rocks)

checking out his sissy's work. today, the kids were playing off and on with this other mom and kids next to us. jamey walked over at one point, making a beeline for the sandcastles the mom was so wonderfully building. (there were like 4 in a row!!!) i saw him lift his foot and yelled so loudly at him! the mom smiled and said, "i wouldn't have cried!" (i know, but her girls might have... and jamey listened. he threw himself down on the beach to pout that i wouldn't let him ruin some other kids' sandcastles, but he didn't wreck them!)
also... so today we were at the beach with the b family. (not as in second choice. just b family... our favorite hawaii family!!!) we were setting up the stuff, and i got ready to plop (because that's what i feel like i do anymore... PLOP. like a beached whale. even though i still have 3.5 months to go. and STILL weigh less than when i MOVED to rhode island a year ago!) into my chair. it's one of those super low beach chairs.
so, i plop, and it doesn't feel right. i can feel it kind of collapsing on me. then, somehow, i end up on my back, feet up in the air. DEFINITELY feeling like a beached whale now. and the nice old man (probably retired) laying on his towel next to us must have thought i was crazy! i hear d ask if i am okay... and l reassure him that i am fine. and then, as she holds e, offers me her hand up. because there was really no other way for me to get up. great first attempt at the beach by myself!!! (meaning, two kids and no hubby!!!)
hope you got your laugh in for the day. i was tearing up again laughing so hard as i wrote this. and realized i hadn't told david yet, as he is staring at me, wondering why his pregnant wife is laughing so hard!!!
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