chipmunks laughing so hard!!
a fun vid... jamey got bit by a "guido" (also known as a "mosquito" on our hike last week. he keeps talking about it. and the "ladybug" that stung him at the beach (again... "bumblebee"...)
a fun vid... jamey got bit by a "guido" (also known as a "mosquito" on our hike last week. he keeps talking about it. and the "ladybug" that stung him at the beach (again... "bumblebee"...)
and, the kids have decided that "christopher robin" is a better name for baby bad guy.
today, i told nora that i loved her so much. she said, "but i disobey". umm... okay.
and, she told me later, "mom, you are the love of my life". last time i said that to her, she said, "i thought daddy was the love of your life..."
james LOVES to have his sissy sing him his sleep song. it's so sweet. i almost feel like the third wheel. they love each other so much!! it's so fun.
david is on duty today, so cleaning mode wife came to visit... my house is spic-n-span. it's awesome! and the kids were sent upstairs to clean nora's room, or i would give her toys away. it actually got pretty clean!! about to throw the kids in bed and enjoy some lifetime movie network!!! (guilty pleasure when david's not home!!! at least until the fall season of tv starts. or i start netflixing seasons of other shows... just to have something on in the background!)
but, we went to the pool today... i keep telling jamey not to throw in the toys from the side (since he won't get in.) i tell him that if he throws them in, he has to come in and get them. today, i made him do it twice. you would have thought i was beating the kid the way he screamed!!! i felt so bad. and he wouldn't come NEAR me the rest of the time at school... going to have to fix that. my kid can't NOT swim!!
and i have reached that stage. where my D-A-U-G-H-T-E-R picks up on E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!! thankfully, she can't spell yet. oh crap! i have to be so careful what i say. and how i say it. she's just so smart!!!
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