we got some dragon fruit this weekend. i took the first pic... nora took the second. the kids weren't a fan. and i couldn't even try it. i wanted to!!! but, i thought we should try something new. and, it was SO PINK!!!
today, daddy was on duty. we took him dinner. it was so fun... the kids first time ever on his ship! it was cool! however, they are redoing the wardroom (dining room), so we had a "picnic" in his stateroom (bedroom). it was so fun to hear nora ask all these questions about it. she had so many good questions. the first was, "is it like pop-pop's ho-towel?". "is there a dining room?" "where does daddy sleep?" "is there a bathroom?" and when i take her to the bathroom... "this is the GUEST bathroom???".
she was interested in daddy's "whistles". (missiles) and how the pirates run away from daddy's big ship. james was super excited to watch "toy story".
we also went to see "the lion king" at the movie theater. the kids were so excited all day! (i bribed them with good behavior and cleaning the play room. we just moved the train table to jamey's room, so there is more room to play...) and, so excited to go to daddy's ship. nora wanted to make sure we got there in time for the previews. and they both narrated really well! it was cute and fun. and jamey was still not super interested, but did better than the last few times we went!
loving on daddy...

loving my sailor. he's such a great man!

when we left, nora told me she was going to stay with daddy. it was so cute! i didn't let her, however! i am so thankful for that man!
on saturday we went to the beach (pics to come...), and then took a drive around the air force base. so much of it was SO OLD... with bunkers and houses from world war 2. scenes that i vaguely remember from "pearl harbor". i want to cry and am so proud at the same time. it's amazing. even today, driving to pearl harbor, it just makes me so... proud. of what my husband does. of who he is. of our military! and i am so thankful that my kids get to experience this.
i reminded them of that as we drove around pearl harbor, that so many people don't ever get to even come to hawaii, let alone LIVE here! then, i was watching a makeover show for a military family. it amazes me how moved some of these crew members are by the lifestyle... one we take as so second nature. married, deployed soon after, husband missed birth of babies, etc. and yet, it's so real for most of my friends... not that it's not HARD and EXCRUCIATING whenever that happens. but, it's the life. reality.