29 June 2011

what a day...

out on the rocks. did i do these pics already?

sweet, sleepy baby boy. I LOVE THIS KID!!

my new fav thing...

after hearing rave reviews on them, and doing some research and trials, i bit the bullet. i talked my mom into buying them first and she loves them. i wanted the pink (i know, surprise, huh?), so i ordered them online. if you don't know, they are five fingered shoes, designed to help you feel "barefoot". supposed to be better for us! anyway, i love them. my back had been hurting all day. i put them on and... better! (could be a coincidence, but i still love them!) and, i needed new running shoes!
sweet boy... sang the "rainbow" song so sweetly. and then i got the camera. so, here he is! just being a ham!

so, i was filling out preschool applications today. and one of the questions was "what are your child's strengths". then, "what are your child's weaknesses". then, "how do you handle those at home". i felt like a horrible mother filling them out.

i don't want to "label" my child as the "strong-willed child". mostly because she is a different girl at school than she is at home. she's quiet and reserved (or so i have been told).

and then the boy... considered a 2 year old preschool for him. a- not sure how i feel about that. b- feel like i am pawning him off two mornings a week. c- think it could be really good to have those two days, especially after the baby comes. d- not sure if i want to pay for three years of preschool for him. but, for his weakness... "he's two?". i felt like the whole thing was more a judge on my parenting.

so there we go. less than three weeks left here. crazy! my two year old has decided he wants to scream his head off for 30 minutes each night before he goes to bed. fun times! i keep telling my mom she can only go in there and rock him to sleep if she moves to hawaii to do the same.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Why do your videos never work for my mom and I??? They used to?!? Now they always says 0-0 for the time :(