sweet boy. he wasn't sure what to think. when he got up in it, he really enjoyed it! it was so fun to watch...

gosh, i love this girl! we got there, and this little girl came right up and befriended nora. it was so cute. nora got to play with a friend!

she was so excited that she could touch in the hot tub... which was only SLIGHTLY warmer than the pool...

my girl jumping in. to no one. and swimming off by herself. she is SO BIG!! and such a good swimmer!!

and swimming. we had started out the day with floaties on, but he quickly gave them up. i am glad that he gets over his fears fast!
and, one of me... just for good measure!
today is my mom's birthday. we were talking about memories from the last year. we started with a super fun breakfast for her birthday in north carolina... to a fun dinner and a movie tonight. (although you had to know the movie was going to be questionable when they started making fun of tea partiers!!!)
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