14 June 2011

i can't remember...

i can't remember if i took pics today. i did get to run a bunch of errands, and work on a really cool project i am super excited about. my kids were trying today (took two hours to get them to bed...), and nora asked for a new mommy. i told her i could try to find her one, but realized she might not see it as the joke i meant it. instead, i reiterated that i will ALWAYS love her, no matter what. i think she wants to stay in the family for now... scary how much she acts like a 13 year old sometimes.

i got to talk to the hubs in the middle of the night last night. i realized this morning that i might have been less than coherent! sorry, babe! but, it was so wonderful to hear his voice, and continued to warm my heart, knowing we had talked. also, we have been trying to ichat in the mornings before he goes to work so he can see the kids. that's been great for everyone (and why i feel less guilty about not putting pics on today-dy).

a lot of wedding planning going on in this house. (first of all, nora told me that she would be 4 on her next birthday, then five, then getting married.... ahhh!!) but seriously, stef is getting married in a month, and we are so getting ready for that.

my computer screen is shattered, as well as my phone screen. and we just had the screen on my camera replaced... i am having problems! we got my parents ipads over the weekend, and it has been fun to "teach" them how to use them. (i went into the store to pick them up, and told the guy i wanted to buy "ipads". he said, "ipadsssss?" i asked for a deal if i bought three, but no go... actually, i think i would have considered four (my bro might have bought one, too) but no go...)

speaking of deals... or not. i don't know if i ever wrote about some problems at the end with our landlords in california. i am over it (kinda), but let's just say it was trying. and frustrating. and we got the raw end of the deal... fast forward to rhody... you heard about our moving in situation, but it gets worse... we are having some issues on the moving out end of things (even though we have been moved out for over a month). there have been several emails back and forth, and i am over it. it's one of the reasons i am so excited about our rental in hawaii. it's being managed by a big company and not a person (who may or may not be a decent landlord). and, having been a landlord, i have SO MUCH LESS patience for the bad ones. and we have had two bad ones in a row. or at least ones out to make AS. MUCH. MONEY. as possible off of us, legal or not! (and twice, it's been less than legal...)

that's my venting. i am ready to be done with it. i have written my last email, so we'll see how she responds. in the meantime... i am enjoying my current "landlord"/live-in nanny/mom/grandma! and looking forward to my own house. i am analyzing our floor plan and trying to figure out where to tell david to put everything. we'll see! just over a month.....

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