23 June 2011

a princess party...

how is she so OLD???

a gorgeous rainbow across the sky!!! it was so fun!



they had a warrior/princess themed vbs party tonight and the girls loved putting on their pretties. sweet lori stopped at target and raided their dollar bin for swords for the boys. (i debated putting james in his wedding tux, but if it got ruined, i didn't want to buy another!!!)

we are going to see cars2 tomorrow. my kids are pretty stoked about it. that's been the talk of the week...

i have been telling my kids that daddy is our hero. he is on a ship, saving us from pirates (alluding to a favorite movie, "the pirates who don't do anything"- the heros save the prince and princess from the bad pirates. i figured it was a good 2 and 3 year old visual...). so, nora was asking on the drive home tonight where daddy works.

"on a ship. you know, he's our hero."
"but where"
"in the navy"
"but where"
"in hawaii"
"but where"
"pearl harbor"
"but where" (this was getting fun!!!)
"the uss ----"

"oh, i know. so daddy is a hero and a shipwreck!"

later we were talking in bed. devotions happened to be about asking God to make our hearts clean. we talked a lot about what that meant. she told me she had never done that before. i asked if she wanted to. she said she did. i asked if she wanted to do it now, she said no. so, there you have it. it was such a sweet conversation, however. i was so touched by her honesty (sometimes i think she tries to give me the "right" answer, and that's not what i am looking for), and her realization of what that all meant. Jesus to be her savior. to be in Heaven when she dies. that she sins. it's slowly, but surely, seeming to dawn on this girl.

also, several times, especially this week, she has been denied snacks due to ingredients. i am consistently impressed with her response. it's amazing! i didn't expect my almost 4 year old to walk away from the cookie tray, when her friend and brother were eating cookies, and say okay. and then to be promised a gluten free one when we got home, only to ask for it in the morning, because she was tired! i guess her tummy REALLY hurt all last year, and she is enjoying NOT having a tummy ache every day! it's amazing that even SHE sees the difference...

jamey is having his moments. he is getting so big, and so much better at obeying. we ran errands and had breakfast this morning while sissy was at school. he really did a great job of obeying and listening. tonight was not as exemplary. but, he has come such a long way. he's been so good, so much of the week! unfortunately our larry boy vhs tape broke, and i can't find it in any store. going to have to search online, but he wants it so bad!!!

also, this morning, he brought me in an earring. one of the pair that david brought back from russia. it matches my promise ring that my parents gave to me when i turned 16. which my grandparents had given to my mom when she turned 16. just one earring. i was beside myself. i didn't even know i had brought them with me. when nora got up, she showed me where they had been. (i guess this one was found in the middle of the floor in their room- as seen by coco.) so, i told the kids that if they found the other one, they got a treat. no one helped me look. but, as i searched again tonight, praying, i FOUND it!! not sure how, other than the grace of God! but, one of those fun moments...

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